As a consequence derived from the "fit for 55" package of measures, the EU ETS is extended to emissions from maritime transport and an independent emissions trading regime is also created for the so-called regulated entities (fuels consumed in buildings, road transport and other additional sectors). Due to this, new fees have been published in the BOE on July 31, 2024, which will come into effect immediately upon publication for maritime operator accounts and regulated entities. In the following Ministerial Order of Fees, the costs derived from each of the concepts related to the opening and maintenance of the different types of account are establised.
You can see the sumary in the following links:
On the other hand, the invoicing derived from the opening and its maintenance will be carried out when the account is registered in the Registry.
Regarding the accounts that are already open in the Registry, their maintenance will be billed annually in October, as well as the verified emissions.
For your information, you can check the previous Ministerial Order:
You can see the sumary in the following links: