The registry system guarantees the exact accounting of the transactions by virtue of the Emissions Trading System, the Kyoto Protocol and Decision No. 406/2009/EC.
A "transaction" is any process carried out on the registry system, which includes the transfer of, Kyoto units.
The Decision 27/CMA of the Conference of the Conference of the Parties acting as the meeting of the Parties to the Kyoto Protocol provides that the Party may continue to acquire, and other Parties may transfer to it, any Kyoto units valid for the commitment period in question, until the 100th day after the date set by the Conference of the Parties serving as the meeting of the Parties to the Kyoto Protocol itself. Subsequently, Decision 1/CMP.17 established the date as 1st June 2023 or the date on which the last national inventory review report of Annex I Parties to the Kyoto Protocol for the year 2022 is published, if later than 1st June 2023. As all Parties' national inventory review reports were published on June 1st 2023, Parties may transfer these units between their national registries up to and including September 9th 2023. Therefore, from 10th September 2023 onwards, transfers of Kyoto units between different national Kyoto registries of a Party included in its Annex I (i.e. international transfers) are not possible.
As a consequence, the only transfers possible from 10 September 2023 are:
For more information you can check the FAQS of the United Nations here.
Furthermore, we can distinguish between ordinary and special transfers. Tha cancellation of allowances are considered special transfers.
In order for an Person Holding Account to be able to make an ordinary transfer of units, it is necessary for the target account to be registered on the list of trusted accounts. The period for appearing on the list of trusted accounts is seven business days (not including Saturdays, Sundays or public holidays), counted from the moment in which the second authorised representative or Additional Authorised Representatives (if applies) approves the task.
For security reasons, generally speaking, the execution of a transfer will involve a delay of 26 hours. This delay is not applicable to special transfers, nor to transfers carried out from a Trading Account to account included in its list of trusted accounts.
Transfers may be initiated at any time, event though they may be processed only within the following time frame: 10:00h – 16:00h, not counting Saturdays, Sundays or bank holidays according to the Target calendar.
We kindly ask you to pause in reading all the recommendations and caveats that are included in the documents attached to the tables included in this section
Time windows (pdf) | Special and Ordinary Transfers (pdf) |