These type of accounts may be opened by any individual or legal entity wishing to participate in the trading system on a voluntary basis.
The trading accounts are held in the Spanish Section of the Union Registry. These account types will not be valid for fulfilling the obligation of surrendering emission allowances for installations and aircraft operators included in the System.
All the documentation should be sent in Spanish (the English version is only for your reference and support).
Also, due to the upcoming new regulation (on 10 September 2023 the COMMISSION DELEGATED REGULATION (EU) 2023/1642 of 14 June 2023 amending Delegated Regulation (EU) 2019/1122 as regards the modernisation of the functioning of the Union Registry) account holders that are part of a group shall provide a document clearly identifying the structure of the group. You can use our template. The date of the certification or legalisation shall not be more than three months prior to the date of application.